The Savings are born, mostly related to Montes de Piedade for among other things, eliminate usury. Also fight against poverty, promotion of savings in the weaker classes. According to the magazine Autogestion collects in the latest issue of the Savings used to fund infrastructure and state enterprises (formerly INI) in the 50 and 60. Definitely the industrialization of this country has become thanks to the work and savings of the poor (who were the workers).
This starting point is necessary to have it clear when the news leam continuous NCG ... because all measures were taken especially for the period of democracy served to steal this equity to finance people and for the more privileged classes of English capitalism. Bankarised the boxes represent a theft to the heritage of the people.
In short, following the precepts of the great financial powers that have caused and continue to provoke crises and bankruptcy continually make layoffs, prexubilacións, using public money to banks and ... and can sell to other banks! To sell a property that was the people. The government sanaa boxes with money of all Spaniards and then take the subasta for major banks to take a bargain price. Santander already rushed to announce that we go into the possible purchase of the same.
One of the fundamental causes of the "crisis" of the SCN and the bank ... the houses are not sold ... In this country the power of the banks and builders is enormous, with a clear monopoly to fund political parties, ... What would happen if the state had these homes available to citizens who may not have access to them at a fair?
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