fully to think has been said a large part in another time. But let's put titles, only to start the discussion here. Today, management is basically the central concept that right or his clumsy performance, has been used in media campaigns, with some electoral success. We say "you just have to manage." But to argue that the management does not depend on a number of other factors is to ignore its true significance, especially when talking in public management. What is missing from this pure management? Ideology is an idiot. Management must be driven by the intention, is needed to achieve a prime mover to the wheels of the shares. That which guides the management is necessarily for us to be the ideology.
Here comes the princess of this tale: Responsible Management ideologically. Completes and deepens the ideological management concept if we think and responsibility. Only receive an advertising message, devoid of substance, that there are government proposals that only manage to think we are going Ideologically Management Responsible.
Taking responsibility means understanding that each and all are included and are beneficiaries of management, not only those for which our ideology is sensitized. Ideologically responsible management considers it were, to themselves and others, not only to govern themselves, the electorate captive or the first performance.
For once we make the case to be a philosopher or Maradona: We, as the relationship with the other is the first ethical, responsible for the fate of the Other, for others but not like me. The suffering of the Other, their living conditions, production and reproduction. In contrast, the empty management responsibility, we sell the right mediocre as pure management, only interested in themselves, for those who are alike, which are only used to winning. Come to think of a more everyday look, let the words of speeches today: yellow vs Neighbours citizens (Rousseau). Somehow, this difference between the one and the other, you could plot the differences and uses between the concept of "neighbor" and "Citizen." The advocates of "pure management ideology that has nothing to" talk about the neighbors, the problem is that "neighbors" is constituted from one, "one who lives next door to me," while the other is to do with a center that gives existence, there is only the one next to me, only there it seems to me, never see the truly Other , the suffering, these are the result of uncontrolled immigration or are outside the law, as are in line to be men and women of good will be overlooked.
Instead, the princess of this tale Management Citizens ideologically., Because this way there will not give us or any person or class is not necessary for someone to give away existence, there are not only similarities me. It exists as there is a Constitution granted citizenship. Therefore, as also awards grants citizenship rights, we must work to fulfill the rights not to meet the needs of residents.
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