tenants San Telmo, Buenos Aires justice convicted to prison terms them as "occupiers", arguing that The four men and five women did not have "no lease, receipt or any evidence showing the good faith of the occupation by the accused. "
The Appeals Chamber of Buenos Aires reprising the arguments of a prosecutor who called a "true legal embarrassment this court ruling. Having acquitted neighbors who occupied the mansion Chacabuco 600, they were restored after 63 days have passed since the judge handed down the sentence Escrich against these families. With opposing arguments put forward by the maids of Room 3 (Marta Paz, Sergio Delgado and Silvina Manes), declared the nullity of the proceedings and acknowledged the group's right to continue living in the housing. Another prosecutor, Walter Fernandez, a prosecutor overturned Chamber the ruling by Judge since understood that it violated all the guarantees of defense.
Had the sentence been Escrich firm, would be a negative legal precedent for the homeless who are subjected to live in such precarious conditions. This countermarch the justice process initiated by the Buenos Aires is a victory for the right to housing, but certainly is also a history more than suspected: many judges from Argentina, if not the majority, advocate property right before the right to housing and cooperating with the support of the speculative housing market dynamics prevalent in our cities.
celebrate what has happened but we remain alert. Socio-spatial conflicts, from Ushuaia to La Quiaca continue if we continue without intervention, through state action, the real source from which they originate: the major disparities, inequities and injustices that are held in the access to urban land and rural production and distribution which is led by the concentration in the hands of a few speculators deliberately land privately appropriating the urban and rural income is generated by individual effort, but by the collective effort.
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