The 24 was a difficult day probably for many more difficult for me. On Thursday, other than permanent repudiation assume my having made this day a holiday bridge, I joined thousands of other shapes to remember that common. I love to take my bat a little bit of the City and put him horns, but this holiday makes me wrong, I do not know, is the first of May, which also celebrated before, and lost the sweaty side of the claim. Perhaps my "anarchists" ones I have blown too many anti-capitalist values \u200b\u200bto think only in Mar del Plata.
Well ... what are the influences are there and you are. He said Thursday was strong, was 24 March, I found with other flags and the same belief, but without some friends.
More to the point, I mean I miss a lot, I thought of them and even there I saw circling Juan Cruz and Monica.
tangible is tremendous what I remember when some people leave us, this need not abandon us as selfish, petty felt from the belly pain. Yesterday I felt that size nearby, I felt almost touching, rubbing in the crowd, blazing a trail of memories in that ocean that we have dared when we decided that there were things that were most important to us.
A Moni, I know the times of the IP, the IP that I will always be proud to have belonged. This movement along all that for me was essential, in forms and experiences that I shared the idea voyage policy, without forcing me to throw away all the clothes I was wearing to try to be a militant.
A Moni, I have it there, in black with his boots, his tight pants, the minimum camperita black rocker and his inspiring militant look, a mine, loyal and warm hearts, no doubt.
I have it quiet, assisting the decision, teaching other stages of the policy for my non-existent. Elegant finer and fainter than I thought I would link to these destinations. I have it extremely militant, intriguing, owned and addicted to both the possibility of politics as their eternal Parissiennes.
She was a mine that gave him chest full a course that was not for her and some more (Martita, I saw your tears fall into the cup of pain with mine) today would believe that was a story of little boys. And things were not so, there were mines like them who could stop with the desire of so many, trying to make the silences and threads a world that others needed to discuss, agree and move forward.
me pregunto qué me separó políticamente de ella en momentos de mi vida y la verdad que siento en esa lejanía, la más puta y sublime deserción a la que nos invocamos cuando todos pensábamos en esta ciudad que lo “nuestro” iba por el premio mayor. Cuanta boludez, no?
Moni, me mató el día que sabiendo de mi fanatismo por el Flaco Spinetta me dijo, la mejor frase del flaco es… y mirándome con carita socarrona, haciendo un gesto de corte horizontal con la manito, dijo, “la luz habrá tizando gente sin fe” y me mato, me encantó, me sublevó saber que ese verso a alguien la movilizaba tanto como a mí. Esos emparentamientos por los cuales many have passed, those parts of the suburb of imaginary neighborhood where everyone did the same things and we are brothers forever, make the presence in the facts is just a fluke of people on earth. Moni
for me was haughty, enlarged, a companion to the defining of politics, but never anything that made me lose respect for her and admiration, I always remember integrates although their positions. I could always understand what he did and never felt anything stand was broken in places other than the time to go for the same goals.
Today things we put in the place of memory and I mean all Lyrics, Monica Desperbasques was one of the most integrated militants met in my life and I say as a witness who saw this need and that passion for devouring the political world by putting on overoll and work for the default target to which he will lose. Monica
loved politics, I wanted so I gave him a corporeal form tremendous importance that the situation became indispensable.
feel, love, leaving aside the lives of those next to us and we want, its grip on the problem of others is a symbol of delivery that few can submit their resumes and therefore do essential persons.
with this memory I just wanted to highlight the tremendous size of a political activist who gave everything for their convictions, who always took care from the smallest detail to the most bombastic. I wanted to give a tribute to a great politician, I transferred that need to "do politics" as she liked to say. As if politics were the iron in the blacksmith's forge or a noble meal bread, doing putting his hand, falling into the mud if necessary.
Moni, I know we'll be together, you were always a voice that did not go unnoticed, so spend to live my internal dialogue is precisely the "table girl soul and I will be there constantly and proudly, with your eyes lively, inquiring and lighting fasos until we decide which is the right decision. There are going to be, my friend, giving me battle all that we could not reach agreement and may not do so ever, but also giving us this side of marriage as the IP and so lovable, by which we always think that the fate was one.
a free, fair and independent, just for those three reasons I will love forever.
PD: routine editorial stated that this letter was in the hands of Monica, who corrected and scolded me for spelling errors, as well as edit and purposes happy last few sentences of a Japanese soldier.
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