BY Luis Cuneo
Bandoneón In the early days, there were many tasks that had to be to colleagues who founded this site. Design it, find collaborators, finding a style, a place in the blogosphere and various other things. Among the essential, there were some modest, deciding for example the pseudonym or nickname to sign the notes. Monica chose MAD, as Juan Cruz opted for "José Barrita" pointed head of the Boca fans. But MAD had a story behind the official. Today I would like to tell it.
is simply the acronym MAD Monica Alejandra Desperbasques. But the real story begins with the nickname that I used to with her. Given my repeated accusations by the loss of view or reason, was born a nickname that I said with all the love in the world. In my usual "You're insane," the daily "Madness" was almost a natural evolution.
course, was a private nickname, almost a password. I never dared to go public. There were many years of "hello Madness", "in which andás Locura" and never escaped me before third parties except with my son, who called the same for both grace.
nickname is an art that has few. When these are original or really good to come to replace proper names. Others are born everyday and have the force of habit. A Monica liked my "Madness."
When it came time to scratch a nickname for bandoneon, I remember how happy she was for the matches. Never before noticed, MAD in English means "crazy" or "insane" and was also the acronym of his full name. Since that day, for bandoneon was always MAD.
Mine is much less original but she had to do. I recommended a movie, you'll like it, is fun. " Formula 51 with Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Carlyle. The latter makes Felix de Souza, a bully who is a disaster, the typical anti-hero.
My last conversation with her was about politics. I told him we were about to leave with a new issue of our magazine Paso a Paso. When I explained the contents began to tell me I had to make an issue about Juan Cruz and that she wanted to write. I suggested that as the next and said that I wanted her to write. Without tears in their eyes, I felt very anxious about that, I wanted to write about Joseph Barrita. There were many times we talked about it, I think it was a pain that would not shake.
Without MAD everything will be more difficult, even writing. She was always the first to read my drafts, to give me their views, to correct my spelling, grammatical, and political. No Footsteps editorial that first you go through your hands, all that I corrected was my visceral tribute to Juan Cruz, there was nothing to correct.
For me it will remain Locurita Madness or, as I told you lately. Over time I hope able to smile remembering her, the things we shared together and the projects we had.
few weeks before the World Cup in Havanna Peru Avenida de Mayo and we met last three, MAD, José Barrita and me. Discussed as policy positions for the coming months. The three agreed that Filmus was the best option in the City and that he should play. We had an altercation on time. Never used to be in the minority is these meetings but this time I was. I was furious and accused them of being fools. Do not know how much I miss those two fools.
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