Friday, January 21, 2011


generous Meanwhile the sun is dying and still


For John and me, we are excited about this song. It happened over and over again when heard, usually in the car. Perhaps because we knew what we expected. Or because sooner or later the target takes deep love for different paths.


God, I do not want in your eternity, love, love more ...


In Porco Rex

still did not use my miracle today (that's short life, my love!)
No I will look more silly comforts
if something bad happens this time.
I'll find in the dark

I do not know if I can return to find you, love
if God does not want me in your eternal sleep
dream that not even fill my grave
and a little late this time will
to do ...

Meanwhile the sun is dying and does not seem to care
While I love the sun off

and if God is in love there is nothing or not much more. Letra de Mientras tanto el sol se muere - Indio Solari - Sitio de

I'm going to find in the dark

Some day soon, one of my lives
going to try to kill me and I will ensure I will walk alone
beyond the
Ay! my love & already without you ... without your dream ...

I do not know
miss you (I'm a thief who stole pain)
and if I lose my way home I told
this before ... my cute

I'll find you'll find
and I will find ...

Monday, January 17, 2011

Where Can You Buy Glisten

poster competition .. . Fatala

Who puts more wave?! For now I'll stick with Abel, che.
By the way ... the phrase does not have much punch. I look forward to those of Amado. What will?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mylanta With Bleeding Stool


It looks tiny, but not wasted. If we were talking about how many campaigns has Filmus, we might also ask, on a smaller scale, on this man. An inveterate activist, admittedly. I must say, I would see him sitting on the floor of the Capital. Would give a little flight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cost For Braces In Va

Tudela ordinance approving phone masts


has been approved in the city of Tudela's new ordinance to regulate the installation of wireless antennas. Will enter into force on the day following publication in the Official Gazette of Navarre.

It highlights the following:


...... ignore the health debate surrounding these facilities is not a closed debate for complete safety, it would be irresponsible to commit in which public authorities should not engage

Article 4. Rationale and content of projects

3 .- In general terms, prohibits the installation of antennas for mobile and other radio equipment of similar features within 100 feet away, measured from any point in the field thereof, of any sensitive area in the municipality.

Exceptionally, and in connection with Article 3.3.f CTE/23/2002 Order of January 11, to install such stations exceptionally ER1 and ER2 in a 100 to 300 m2 of sensitive areas referred to in the preceding paragraph should give the following conditions:

3.1 .- Study magnetometer area concerned and countersigned by the competent professional body which advises the installation in that area, considering it a zone in which communication is impossible because of the lack of service coverage and capacity of the operator.

3.2 .- The operator must assume the obligation to minimize the exposure levels of the areas considered sensitive to the threshold of 0.1 microwatts / Cm2.

3.3 .- must be sufficiently justified the failure to place the antennas in a more distant place.

3.4 .- In the case above, provide a favorable environmental impact study which describes in detail the potential impact of their implementation and operation in the external and internal environment of buildings, structures and sites recreation and leisure environment that will be safeguarded in any case, by taking corrective measures, if necessary.

Article 5. Definitions.


- sensitive areas, areas listed in Article 3.3.f Ministerial Order of 11 January 2002, the Ministry of Science and Technology, subject to stricter limitations on levels of exposure to radio emissions (crèches, early childhood, primary, compulsory schools, health centers, hospitals, public parks, and residential or nursing homes). [Those established in the Regional Law 6 / 2002 of 10 May.]

e. - low density residential enclaves: Apples with predominantly residential use where there is no building height coronation facade more than 20 m.

Article 8. Criteria for the Development of Land Infrastructure Plan referred to the municipality of Tudela.

2 .- The location, characteristics and operating conditions of the different radio communication facilities and infrastructure, minimize the exposure levels of the public in general, to radio emissions, maintaining an adequate quality of service and control, especially the emission levels near the areas of influence on sensitive areas.

3 .- In the case of radio facilities and infrastructure on roofs of buildings, the owners shall, whenever possible, install the sending system so that the emission diagram or no impact on the building itself or on adjacent buildings


Article 11. General rules

2 .- Except as provided in Title V, not allow these facilities on land for parks, open spaces and roads for public use, either in parcels or buildings for equipment those who do not have an explicit link.

equipment means those allocations for public use and social, educational, health, cultural, administrative and / or the like.

Article 12. Adaptation to the environment and saturation index.

3 .- To control the density of satellite stations in the urban ecosystem, establishing a generic limitation of a base station for every 150 m2 of surface, measured in horizontal projection of roof , roof, patio or area in which they are located.

Article 14. Antennas facilities located on building facades.

antennae not be used on building facades.

Article 17.
radio emissions


However, Magnetometric Study conducted prior to the drafting of this Ordinance, it was observed that in almost all the measurements, giving effect to the limitation of 0.1 microwatts / cm2 without service quality look resentful.


For this reason and in any case, states that inside buildings and homes of Tudela, the maximum threshold should be 0.01 microwatts.


Article 18. Location

2 .- In general, the implementation of these facilities meet the required conditions of building the area as they are, looking at a minimum setback of 15 meters from the boundaries of the plot, a Total height set of 40 m. and a minimum distance between facilities 300 m.


Article 21. Subject to licensing

Facilities included in the scope of this Ordinance shall be subject to obtaining the relevant licenses under the terms set out in Article 3 of Title I.

Article 28. Dismantling and removal order

2 .- The order of dismantling and removal, where there is no license shall be independent of the order of legalization, so that will be immediately effective and enforceable until the installation is certified.


First Transitory Provision:

existing facilities to the entry into force of this Ordinance which do not have proper Classified Municipal License and Opening Activity must apply for legalization license, within three months.



This Ordinance shall take effect the day following its complete publication in the Official Gazette of Navarre.

Download PDF

Bucket Of Margarita's

race and the campaign was launched Buenos Aires! A piece of childhood


Eeeepa! We went. Prepare the brush and paste. Laurel
Thanks for the kindness photo.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Metallic Taste And Chest Pain


Recently, amid much sadness, but also cling to the nice things that have happened in life to pass on to my children, I found in song / poetry by Maria Elena Walsh could not remember (singing and remember, to this day, many others). "Song of the Gardener" marked a good part of my childhood as the girl sang a lot and now I realize that my life is also sealed. I would say that characterizes me, if not for the mention of God, given my subsequent conversion to atheism. Here
I share with you. Thanks Maria Elena, you are in this world, this country, left their mark and we comfort the soul ...


Look at me, I'm happy
between sheets
singing through the garden when the wind

When I go to sleep
close my eyes and dream
with the scent of a country
blossomed for me.

I'm not a dancer
because I like to stay
still on earth and feel
that my feet are rooted.

studied in a book of brush
things that only I know
and will never forget.

learned that a walnut
is wrinkled old lady, but
can offer much, much, much honey.

duende From the garden I am faithful,
when a flower is sad
the paint with a brush
and touched her bell.

guardian and doctor of a bunch of flowers
playing dominoes
and then gives them cough.

God walks through here
with rain shower or disguised
sun peeking from her balcony.

I'm not a great man,
but in my land sky
care better treasure:
much, much, much love.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Congratulations To A Friend New Job


A Do not give up, there's still time to reach
De and start again, OK
your shadows,
Bury your fears, Free
Resume flight.
not give up that life is that,
continue the journey,
Pursue your dreams, Unlock
Running the rubble, and uncover
not give up, please do not give in,
Although the cold burn, bite
Although fear,
Although the sun goes down, shut
And the wind
There is still fire in your soul
There is still life in your dreams .
Because life is yours and yours also the desire
Because you loved
Because there is wine and love, is true.
Because there is no cure wounds that time.
Open the doors,
Remove the bolts,
Leaving the walls to protect you,
live life and accept the challenge,
Lost laughter,
Rehearsing a song,
guard down and extend the hands

wings Expand I try again,
Celebrate life and return to heaven.
not give up, please do not give in,
Although the cold burn, bite
Although fear,
Although the sun goes down and shut the wind
There's still fire in your soul,
There is still life in your dreams
Because every day is a new start
Because this is the time and the best time.